Tuesday, October 5, 2010

How Y'all Are ? A Short Bio...

Howdy Y'all, I'm Kevin T. Wilson (incidentally the T stands for Tate my grandfather’s last name, on my mother’s side), I was told I needed a bio that would be made public, and that to do a good bio, I should tell you a little about myself and my life... I was told to just start at the beginning... So here goes... Well I was born a long, long, long, time ago, in a little log cabin in the backwoods of the foothills of Kentucky, oh wait, that wasn't me that's the book I was reading back in the fourth grade, yes I've read a book since the fourth grade, well not exactly does magazines count ? Never mind where was I, oh yeah, I was born in a little three room house, five miles from the surveyed center of Alabama...Though it may sound strange in this day and time... I had both a Mother and Father, and even stranger than that, they were Married, To Each Other... When I was younger we were dirt poor my siblings and I had to share the same bed, and the quilt had a big hole in it, so it got really cold in the winter... With me being the oldest, I almost always got the hole, I was fortunate though, it could have been worse it could have been on the wet side of the bed... I have been everywhere there is to go, and I've seen everything there is to see, done everything there is to do, the things I've done that liked, I did two maybe three times, and still there's some that I'm gonna keep doing, just to make sure I'm doing them right... I have been to the end of the Internet and back on three separate occasions... I'm also good with my hands, and I can fix anything from a hangnail to a broken heart... I've learned to never underestimate the usefulness of Duct Tape and WD-40... Last but not least at the present, I am putting together an expedition to Pluto, unfortunately, we have to drop off a butt load of stuff, so there will be a short layover on Uranus... We should have left last week but my dry cleaning wasn't back yet, and I couldn't see leaving with a spot on my space suit, everybody knows how uppity those Plutonian's can be when it comes to stains on your space suit, they like for everything to be all slick and shiny ( WD-40 comes in handy on Pluto, works pretty good on Uranus too )... With this new-fangled space time continuum thingy, I should have returned before you finish reading this little tidbit of info, so I will see you on the flip side, later... Y'all Have a Good Day now ye hear, and Come on back when you can set a spell...